Tuesday, December 20, 2016

What Is The SR3 Method? - Fix My Shoulder Pain

Doesn’t that make you wonder how some people are able to train with 100% effort month after month, without ever having to slow down due to a nagging injury caused by shoulder pain? And it doesn’t seem like they spend extra time warming up or have to limit their exercise selection?

If so, I’ll tell you how they do it.

But first I’d like to share with you 4 Strategies to Avoid Shoulder Pain that were taught to me by injury specialist and exercise physiologist Rick Kaselj, MS. I’ve spent a lot of time and money consulting with Rick, so be sure to pay close attention and take notes. These 4 strategies could be the difference between a nasty re-occurring shoulder injury versus taking the fast track to the pain free “limitless” workouts you crave.

The impossible way to lose weight fast.

Wait. Hold on. What?!? Are you serious? You really thought this article was going to be about the amazingly safe and very-much-possibl...